Get involved in coach & player development at labrador tigerstix
Nominations should be lodged for every position ASAP. There are plans for coach development that cannot be put in place until coaches are in place. Please apply no later than FRIDAY 13 JANUARY.
Coach nominations:
Coaches will have the opportunity to be mentored during the season and to upgrade their qualifications – or to gain their first qualifications. Coach positions are available from the elite level to beginner level in Seniors and from 4 years to 18 years in Juniors. Coaches will receive a small honorarium at the end of the completed season as well as development in the role.
Coach mentor nominations:
Coach mentors will develop coach knowledge and confidence including ‘way of play’ game strategy, skill techniques, drill design and game analysis (at the appropriate levels). The mentor program attracts a small remuneration and involves collaboration with Head Coach, Brent Livermore and a small group of coaches the mentor will be responsible for.

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