Coach & Coach Mentor Nominations for 2023 Now Open

Get involved in coach & player development at labrador tigerstix

Nominations should be lodged for every position ASAP
.  There are plans for coach development that cannot be put in place until coaches are in place.  Please apply no later than FRIDAY 13 JANUARY.

Coach nominations:
Coaches will have the opportunity to be mentored during the season and to upgrade their qualifications – or to gain their first qualifications.  Coach positions are available from the elite level to beginner level in Seniors and from 4 years to 18 years in Juniors.  Coaches will receive a small honorarium at the end of the completed season as well as development in the role.

Coach mentor nominations:
Coach mentors will develop coach knowledge and confidence including ‘way of play’ game strategy, skill techniques, drill design and game analysis (at the appropriate levels).  The mentor program attracts a small remuneration and involves collaboration with Head Coach, Brent Livermore and a small group of coaches the mentor will be responsible for.

No Coach or Mentor role is too small.  We appreciate every Tigerstix Volunteer!

Notice of Labrador Annual General Meeting – Monday 12 December 2022

Labrador’s AGM will be held at the boardroom at Labrador Clubhouse at 6pm on Monday 12 December, followed by a general meeting.

All positions will be vacated and nominations for all positions are encouraged.

You can download a nomination form here Committee Nomination form 2022.  Nominations must be completed and in the hands of the secretary by Monday 28 November 2022.  Email your nomination to

Committee position descriptions can be found here Tigerstix Committee Position Descriptions.  Ask a current committee member if you are unsure of the workload involved in a position you are interested in.

We look forward to club members attendance at our AGM and invite members to stay on for drinks and nibbles following the meeting.

Join us to set up a strong start to 2023 season.

Tigerstix Supporters Bus – BHL1 Grand Final

Tigerstix if you prefer not to drive to the Grand Final in Brisbane, a bus will be running from Labrador Hockey car park to State Hockey Centre and return.


Grand Final time 4:15pm – SATURDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 2022

Bus boarding from 1:30pm – leaving at 1:45pm sharp

Returning approx 6:30pm

Don’t miss out on your tickets – book now via Majestri:

Single Tix – $25pp –…

Family Tix – $60pf –…

Don’t miss being on the bus for the big dance!

End of Season – Awards & Presentations




Junior Presentation Night

Wear your Labrador Tigerstix colours!

Date: Friday 2 September

Time: 5:30-8:30pm

Cost: Free for all Labrador Tigerstix players.

Includes: Award Presentations, Pizza, drink, inflatable fun and on field activities.


Date: Saturday 15 October

Time: 6pm arrival for 6:30pm start – till late

Dress Code: Cocktail attire

Venue: SOPO Southport (previously known as RSL Club)

Cost: $60 per head – Purchase tix here.

Includes: Award Presentations, Dinner* & Dessert, DJ Entertainment.

*email special dietary requirements to the Club Secretary.

Ticket numbers are limited.  Make sure you get in early so you don’t miss out.


New Labrador Tigerstix Playing Uniform – This Weekend

As a club we are very excited to be stepping out to play this weekend in the new Labrador Tigerstix playing strip which returns to Labrador’s original yellow and black (photos coming soon!).  All players are expected to be attired as follows:

Girls and Women:

  1. Tank top (under 12 girls wear sleeved shirts)
  2. Socks (yellow, black, or other team colour)
  3. Skirt with black underwear or skort (a skirt with a short sewn in underneath)
  4. Compression or sun safety garments – must be plain black and to be worn under Labrador uniform.

Boys and Men:

  1. Shirt
  2. Socks (yellow, black, or other team colour)
  3. Shorts
  4. Compression or sun safety garments – must be plain black and to be worn under Labrador uniform.

Players may choose to wear undergarments such as activewear under their shirts, shorts, skirts or skorts. This is acceptable for all players, male or female, at all levels of hockey, provided that the undergarments are plain black and are worn under skirts/skorts/shorts and socks.

Feedback on additional uniform items will be considered for 2023 season options.

This is our first year of the new uniform and we have completed the design and ordering process and kitted out some 275 players from 8 year olds to 67 year olds all with volunteer labour.

We think we’ve met our goal for a design for the club to look smart and sporty with the support of our corporate partners SOPO.  Any additional feedback or uniform suggestions can be provided to our club secretary,

April 9 2022: Flood Relief Fundraiser

Retro Round Flood Fundraiser


Traditionally, our first home game match for BHL against UQ is “Retro Round” where we step back in time and break out the 90’s era playing shirt, play some retro tunes and support the boys at the Stix Clubhouse.

This year, it’s got to be bigger. Many of our players and their families have been impacted by the recent floods. The Stix have a number of players hailing from this region and together, we’ve decided to create a mamoth fundraising day that all our Stix, both big and small can get behind.

What’s On?

Junior Clinic April 9th 2022

Our BHL Crew will be running a special coaching clinic, open to all junior players from Rookies age through to Open Juniors from any club. The coaching clinic will run from 11am until 12:30pm and will cost $20 with all proceeds generated from the coaching clinic going towards the fundraiser. We hope to see as many juniors as we can take part, not only so that we can raise some much needed funds (particularly as this region is again under flood threat this past week) but also because it’s a great opportunity to build skills with some of the best mentors and coaches our club has to offer – including Brent Livermore, Luca Brown, Joe Sandor and Kyra Livermore.

Goalkeepers will also have a special goalie-focussed skills clinic run by Aaron Weiss.

Parents, we haven’t forgotten about you – the Stix Clubhouse Bar will be open so you can watch on as your kids take part in the clinic, and all proceeds from refreshments purchased at the Stix Clubhouse Bar on April 9th will also go directly into the Flood Fundraising fund.

Lock in your spot ASAP to help us ensure we’ve allocated enough resources to make the day as fun as possible.

Register Button


There will be a sausage sizzle running from 11am – 1pm with all proceeds going to the fundraiser.


As mentioned, April 9th is the next BHL Home game and the Stix will take on University of QLD.

BHL 2 Match starts at 2:30pm 

BHL 1 March starts at 4pm

If there was one game we could get you to come and watch all season, it’s this one. ALL BAR PROFITS will go to the Flood Fundraiser and we would love to make it a record day. Come on down and watch some great hockey and have a beverage for a good cause!

It’s RETRO ROUND – so if you’ve got yourself any Retro Labrador gear gathering dust in the back of your wardrobe, dust it off and wear it to the game!


Thanks to all involved in making this possible, from the many Labrador Hockey Club committee, players, parents and volunteers. Also a special thanks to GCHMG for donating the turf time so we can make this day possible. We look forward to seeing everyone down there on the 9th!

Covid-19 Safety – Labrador Requirements

4 February 2022

Dear members and supporters

Please review the following 7 action items before returning to hockey at Gold Coast Hockey Centre.  This is a minimum requirement to keep our hockey community safe.


We require all club members, supporters and guests to follow Queensland Health’s key directives to ensure competitions and events can proceed safely.


1. If you are unwell DO NOT ATTEND – STAY HOME and get tested
2. CHECK IN. Use the Check In Qld app. This is a condition of entry of Gold Coast Hockey Centre.
3. Observe GOOD HYGIENE at all times and use hand sanitiser and hygiene products, where provided.
4. PHYSICAL DISTANCING should be observed at all other times, where possible, excludes playing.
5. Wear a FACE MASK while not playing, where physical distancing is not possible (Qld Health Recommendation).
6. DO NOT STAY at hockey unnecessarily, especially on busy days.
7. To enter the clubhouse bar area, you will be required to be FULLY VACCINATED (evidence required). This is mandatory under Qld Office of Liquor and Gaming laws.

Please see below for more detailed information published 13 January by Qld Health.

Queensland Government Restrictions for sport, recreation, and fitness organisations

[Publication – – edited to remove references to other sports.

Note this Qld Govt publication was updated on 13 January 2022].


From 17 December 2021, the following restrictions have applied:

Outdoor sport

  • Vaccinated and unvaccinated persons are permitted to attend and participate.
  • Outdoor based organisations are not considered a restricted business, activity or undertaking. Therefore, organisations are not required to comply with the COVID Checklist.
  • It is not possible for contact sports to observe physical distancing while undertaking activity, however physical distancing should be observed at all other times, where possible.
  • Whilst not mandatory, it’s best practice to continue to clean frequently touched surfaces and shared equipment.
  • Collection of contact tracing information is not compulsory but recommended via the Check in Qld app.
  • Indoor spaces associated with outdoor venues such as clubhouses are required to follow occupant density requirements of one person per two square metres.


  • Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people are permitted to outdoor community events. No occupant density limits apply. Contact information must be collected via the Check In Qld app.

Check In Qld app

The collection of contact information via the Check In Qld app will be mandatory for community facilities and recreation centres (i.e. GOLD COAST HOCKEY CENTRE)

Face masks

Face masks are required to be worn indoors everywhere in Queensland, except in your own home or accommodation, and where it is unsafe, such as while doing strenuous exercise.

Facemasks will be required in the Labrador Clubhouse and when you are not able to socially distance (1.5m).

Thank you for working with your club to keep yourself and our hockey community safe.

Andrew Proctor



Congratulations to the winners of our Junior Blaze competition who won 2 memberships each.

Matthew Morris – who decided to invite Rylan Morris to join him; and

Sadie Ranse – who invited Taylor Garside to join her.

Unfortunately for all our keen junior hockey players the program has been postponed until Covid-19 spread has abated, but we know this will be an opportunity that these keen juniors will make the most of!



Would you like to win a place FOR YOU AND A FRIEND at the Junior Blaze Program?

Labrador Tigerstix are giving away 2 tickets to two lucky #stix to join the Junior Blaze Program at GCHA Sunday 23rd January 2021. And better yet – the tickets are for you and one friend!

What is the Junior Blaze Program?

The Junior Blaze Program is a unique opportunity available to all athletes aged between U13 – U16 of all skill levels and abilities.

The program is designed to see our athletes succeed on and off the field with the #TEAMQLD culture embedded through state-wide quality clinics, online resources, Brisbane Blaze player interactions, and much more.

What do these tickets get you?

Access to the 2 Hour Clinic held Gold Coast Hockey Centre, plus;

–> Skill sessions tailored to attending members
–> Sessions focussing on the basic and technical foundations of hockey
–> Coaching by Blaze players & high performance coaches
–> Light snack
–> Blaze player signing opportunities
Valued at over $100 per clinic

Access to the online education platform 12 months of the year including:

  • Information on personal development (Physical, mental and emotional)
  • Athlete health & wellbeing education including information on athlete mindset, physical recovery, healthy eating and more
  • Physical challenges and online activities
  • At home training drills
  • Firsthand learning and interactions with Brisbane Blaze Players
  • Private social platform to engage with other hockey players
  • Access to community networking opportunities with likeminded athletes
    Valued at over $300 per year

Athlete Participation Pack including:

  • Shirt
  • Blaze cap
  • Stickers
  • Tattoos
  • Participation Certificate
    Valued at over $40

You can read more about the Junior Blaze Program here.

How Can I Enter?

Simply enter the name of the player who wants to win and why they should get it – that’s it!


Competition closes: 5pm Saturday Monday 20th December 2021.

Open to: athletes aged 11 – 17 in 2022 (born 2005-2011)

Location of clinic: Gold Coast Hockey Association

Date of clinic: Sunday 23rd January 2022

Clinic Time: 8.30am – 10.30am

There will be an opportunity for photos & signatures with Blaze players after the clinic.