Every Saturday is a COME & TRY Day for all prospective new members, especially those who have enjoyed our Schools Hockey Program or have seen our other communications, and any other recruits and friends who want to experience the fun of hockey.
Do you want to have fun and learn some new skills? Not registered for a winter team sport yet? Come on down to Gold Coast Hockey Centre, Labrador Families Field, Musgrave Avenue Labrador to our Junior Stix Come & Try Day where you can try out our fantastic team game. Join the Stix and feel the thrill!
The first COME & TRY Day for the year is on Saturday 8 March, 9am-10:30am before Junior Stix commences for the season on 15 March. It’s FREE and no equipment necessary, just bring your joggers (please no ‘tags’).
Cubs & Rookies skill groups for 5 – 8 year olds
Tigerstix 10s for 9 & 10 year olds
If you enjoy the morning you can chat to Clare about continuing with the Labrador Tigerstix Junior Stix.
2025 Fees
JUNIOR STIX - 6 and Over as at 1st January 2025 (Rookies and 10's) | $150.00 |
JUNIOR STIX - 6 and Over as at 1st January 2025 2nd and Subsequent Children (Rookies and 10's) | $145.00 |
JUNIOR STIX - Under 6 as of 1st January 2025 (Cubs) | $100.00 |
2025 Registration
Registrations are a 2-step process.
Step 1. HA/HQ Registration
- MUST be completed prior to taking the field in any manner
- Paid directly to Hockey Queensland (HQ) through RevSport. Fees must be paid in full during registration.
Step 2. Labrador Registration
- All players will need to register with Labrador
- Covers junior development program, and team photo.
Our Junior Stix Coordinator, is Clare McKenna EMAIL or 0490 513 629 should you require any more information.
Important info
WHERE: At our facilities at the Gold Coast Hockey Precinct down Hockey Lane off Musgrave Avenue in Labrador – MAP Our Junior Stix office is located on the path on the northern side of the canteen and is manned from 8.30 am until 12 noon on game days.
SEASON DATES 2025: Saturday 15 March – 23 August
DRAWS: Click through to our Draws page (when available) for draws for Junior Stix Rookies and Junior Stix 10’s.
PARTICIPATION: All children participate every week. There is no sitting out due to numbers or experience.
AGE GROUPINGS BELOW ARE A GUIDE ONLY: Children who are more or less experienced than their age-related division are encouraged to move up or down to where they will enjoy their hockey experience the most.
HOCKEY STICKS AND BALLS are provided free of charge to participants for all Junior Stix Programs while participating at our venue. i.e. they are not provided to take home. See the Junior Stix Coordinator who may be able to provide you with a second-hand stick should you wish to take one home.
The ‘Cubs’ program is designed for our littlest participants, 5 and 6-year-old participants.
- Time: 9 to 10 am
- When: Saturday Morning.
- Session: 25 minutes warm up and skill drills followed by 35 minutes mini games Playing area:1/8 the of a pitch
- Participants per team: Approx. 5
- Uniform: No uniform is required. Long socks to hold in shin guards are advisable. Mouthguards are also recommended. Optional Club uniform is available from the uniform shop.
- A few of the most basic rules apply, safety and having fun being the main criteria.
The ‘Rookies’ program is designed for 7 and 8-year-old participants.
- Time: 9 to 10 am
- When: Saturday Morning
- Session: 20 minutes warm up and skill drills followed by 40 minutes mini games
- Playing area: 1/4 the of a pitch
- Participants per team: Approx. 6
- Uniform: No uniform is required. Long socks to hold in shin guards are advisable. Mouthguards are also recommended. Optional Club uniform is available from the uniform shop.
- All the basic rules are taught during these games with safety and fun still a major focus.
The ‘10’s’ program is designed for 9 and 10-year-old participants. This division is an intermediary program between Rookies and Full-Field Hockey.
- Time: 10 – 11.30am
- When: Saturday Morning.
- Session: 25 minutes warm up and skill drills followed by a game consisting of 2 x 25 minute halves
- Playing area: 1/2 the of a pitch (when possible)
- Participants per team: Approx. 8
- Uniform: Children are encouraged to purchase a Club shirt and Club socks to create a Club identity while in 10’s. Mouthguards are also recommended.
- All rules of hockey should be learned by the end of a season in 10’s.
We would love to have you/your children become involved in any of our Junior Stix Programs.