BHL Wrap Up – Round 11

BHL 1 faced Saint Andrews Hockey Club last Saturday going down 4-3, placing them 5th on the ladder. Saint Andrews scored their first goal after three minutes, followed by a penalty corner just before half time. After some good team lead up play, John Mullins slammed the ball high into the net to get Labrador back in the game with a great high one-time flick. Saint Andrews went to a 3-1 lead following another PC conversion with play see-sawing from end to end and Kevin Mullins slamming the ball home to get Labrador within reach to 3-2. A 50m overhead lob got Saint Andrews out of trouble and saw them capitalise with the score moving to 4-2. Labrador threw everything into attack, resulting in a penalty conversion by Blaze player Tyler Gaddes, who slammed the ball high into the net past the Saints defence, taking the final score to 3-4. BHL 1 will take on front runners, Norths at the University of Queensland in a tough challenge to stay in the top 5 on June 22.

Congratulations to Ethan White for being awarded the Best Time Pub Group Best on Ground as well as the Guzman y Gomez Stix Guard in a rare double, presented by Will Powell.

With six players backing up from BHL 1, the BHL 2 boys put in a valiant effort, narrowly going down to Saint Andrews Hockey Club 2-1 at the State Hockey Centre last Saturday. During the last minute of the third quarter, Labrador turned over possession while attacking in the Saints D30. Saint Andrews hit a 50-meter pass to a lone striker near our DC and converted a 1 on 1 with keeper Christensen. Labrador piled on the pressure in the fourth quarter, eventually pulling one goal back via Kaleb Benney. BHL 2 slides to 6th on the ladder and will face Norths at the University of Queensland on June 22 in a must win game to return to the top 5.

Congratulations to Hudson Keeble on receiving Dominos Crestwood Plaza Best on Ground and Aston Merrell awarded the Guzman y Gomez Stix Guard, presented by Ben Stockill.